Friday 30 September 2016

Thirst Compression

Geoff’s Blog:
So for today I have an assigned question I get to answer for my blog. The question is:  What were your initial impressions of your assigned church and of Camp Qwanoes? What are your hopes for the year and what do you foresee as being a challenge in these ministry areas? So here is my properly formatted 150+ word blog, ahem:

            My first impression firstly on my assigned church was that I thought it was very small and with a total congregation of around 130 members with usually around 40-60 members at the services I’ve been to so far. My group will be working in part with the children’s ministry including Sunday school and youth nights on Wednesdays. If I’m completely honest the small size of the church might be hard to get used to at first but I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone there and helping out with the kids. Camp Qwanoes itself has taken some getting used to as I have lived in a camp setting for extended periods of time before but now I’m discovering how different camps can be from each other. I’m amazed by the vast variety of activities and scenery at the camp and simply cannot leave the beach along and often find myself going for long walks on the beach collecting shells. For challenges, well every class, assignment or adventure we take seems challenging but I think that is a good thing because if we aren’t challenged that what are we doing here.  I am really looking forward to these next eight months in the crazy place.  

Friday 16 September 2016

So Thursday and Friday have been way to fun.
Thursday I swam with jellyfish (that don't sting) and got towed behind a silver banana which broke poor Theo's leg. Oh, and then I acted as a mad scientist gorgon in the game of gorgon and found a large shell.
Today we spent lots of time doing obstacle course stuff and then a whole crew of us went to Walmart and had some seriously fun shenanigans with a shopping cart and a stuffed dragon.
I'm definitely starting to see our community come together :D

Thursday 15 September 2016

So this'll be short (how does one blog)
I'm at Camp Qwanoes now. enjoying my time, love the trees and trying to figure out this blog thing.

I might post a lot on this, i might not post very much at all. Only time (and how i'm feeling) can tell.

Cool, i can add picture.

Here's me when i learned to board. (yes i am kind bored)
